Estate News

Park Neighbourhood Watch Launches

January 12, 2024

A neighbourhood watch scheme for Sunningdale Park has officially launched, bringing residents together.

A neighbourhood watch scheme has been launched by residents for the Sunningdale Park estate, with the main aim being to deter would-be criminals from committing theft or damage to property.

As part of the setup of the neighbourhood watch, signs are being placed around the estate to convey there is now a scheme in place and that residents are vigilant towards anything suspicious.

The scheme encourages residents in forming a closer community, and has a statistically significant impact on reducing crime where schemes have been setup. By joining the scheme, residents are made aware of recent local crime incidents, and how to best prevent certain types of crime happening in the first place (e.g. burglaries).

For residents interested in signing up, they’re asked to sign up as a resident on the Sunningdale Park Residents Operating Committee, where additional information and local crime statistics will be available.

Neighbourhood Watch was first introduced into Britain in 1982. It works by developing close liaison between households in a neighbourhood and the local police. The schemes are known as either Neighbourhood Watch or Home Watch.